Summer Fayre

Summer Fayre 2019

  • On 8th June we’re holding the most important fundraiser of our year, the Grand Summer Fayre at Cobtree Hall
  • We can’t do this without your help!
  • Can you spare a couple of hours on 7th June to help with preparations?
  • Can you spare a couple of hours on the day to help with set up, break down or by manning a stall?
  • Can you support the stalls by donating bric-a-brac, unwanted gifts or by making a cake perhaps?
  • Donations can be dropped off at Cobtree on any Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday between 1.30 and 2.30pm, Fridays 7.30 – 9.30pm and on prep day Friday 7th June 11-3.00pm
  • Can you help make it the best yet?!
  • Please email FAO: Susannah –
  • Would you like to request a space for your own stall on the day for a small fee or know someone else who’d like to?  Applications FAO: Lesley –

2019 Summer Fayre
