News & Information

News and Info

December 2021Info. Christmas Signposting Support for Families
October 2021Info. Legal Q&A: Brachers in partnership with Mencap
June 2021News In Memory of Pat Wilmshurst
June 2021Info. Kent SEND Update
June 2021Info. Keeping Safe Online: A guide for people with learning disabilities (PDF download)
June 2021Info. Safety Guide: Autism Spectrum Disorders
June 2021Info. That's Not
May 2021Info. Kent's co-production Charter
April 2021News Car Park Repairs
February 2021Info. IASK Newsletter Feb 2021
January 2021 News Memories of Tristram
June 2020Info. Positive Approaches to Support
April 2020Info. Children’s Therapies: OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language
March 2020Info. Autism: Support Through Uncertain Times
November 2019News Maidstone Mencap Leaflet
November 2019News Newsletter: November 2019
August 2019Info. Autism Links
July 2019Info. Autism Behind the Wheel
June 2019News Ofsted Inspection of Kent
May 2019Info. Advocating for Students on the Autism Spectrum
May 2019Info. Guide to Better Sleep for Kids with Autism
May 2019Info. Autism Resource Center
May 2019Info. Creating an Autism Friendly Home
May 2019Info. Autism Support Network Resources
May 2019Info. Planning a Move with Autism
May 2019Info. 30 Ways to Celebrate Autism Awareness Month
May 2019Info.Autism and Travel
June 2017NewsAccumulator Challenge
May 2017NewsJust Walk
January 2017NewsThank You for Raising our Roof!