Accounts & AGMaccounts

Maidstone Mencap Charitable Trust Ltd.
Registered Charity # 1009677
Registered Company # 02672192

Gift Aid reference # XR8090
Accounting period: January – December

Monthly Finance Report

January 2022

We start 2022 with a £5.1k surplus against budget-to-date.

INCOME: A £2.2k income surplus against target, with a particularly healthy income surplus for Fundraising.

EXPENDITURE: We are almost £3k underspent on Expenditure; however, we have exhausted the National Lottery fund for the first year, and so we will have to fund February and March payroll costs. The next instalment from the Lottery fund is in April.


Mencap Ring-Fenced: £58,043.85

Think BIG! = £52,814.26
National Lottery = £0.00
DCS JG 162 = £1,276.08
DCS YC 161 = £2,577.01
Air Con = £1,376.50

Playschool Ring-Fenced: £15,965.93
DAF = £8,445.22
SENIF = £6,511.46
COMF = £1,009.25


2021 Fundraising

2020 EOY Report

AGMs (Annual General Meetings)

Pre-AGM: AGM Agenda; Annual Report
Post-AGM: Annual Accounts; AGM Minutes

2020 AGM Agenda: Read/download
2020 Annual Report: Read/download
2020 AGM Minutes: Read/download
2020 Annual Accounts: Read/download

2019 AGM Agenda: Read/download
2019 Annual Report:
2019 AGM Minutes: Read/download
2019 Annual Accounts: Read/download

2018 AGM Agenda: Read/download
2018 Annual Report: Read/download
2018 AGM Minutes: Read/download
2018 Annual Accounts: Read/download

2017 Annual Report: Read/download
2017 AGM Minutes: Read/download
2017 Annual Accounts: Read/download

2016 Annual Report: Read/download
2016 AGM Minutes: Read/download
2016 Annual Accounts: Read/download

2015 Annual Report: Read/download
2015 AGM Minutes: Read/download
2015 Annual Accounts: Read/download

2014 AGM Minutes: Read/download
2014 Annual Accounts: Read/download
